Builders Register Today!
Builder Benefits
Join our growing list of green builders.
Market your expertise and experience as a green builder through your participation in our program.
Technical assistance and design reviews available for builders.
Third party verification reduces callbacks for you, improves construction outcomes, and catches costly mistakes.
Enhanced up-front planning helps the construction process go more smoothly with fewer change orders.
Energy Efficiency Tax Credits from Energy Companies as well as Federal & City Governments (paid to builders/contractors) for energy-efficiency upgrades implemented on Residential Homes and Commercial Buildings or Businesses.
Homeowner Benefits
Create a more healthy living environment for your loved ones.
Greater home resale value in the Asheville/WNC market.
Ongoing energy bill savings as well as energy efficiency tax credits for homeowners.
Quality assurance and peace of mind during construction through third-party verification and technical assistance.
Key provisions require: basic energy efficiency as a minimum, smart heating/cooling system design, whole house fresh air ventilation, radon resistant construction, erosion control, smart spot ventilation, combustion safety.
Meeting the minimum requirements in each of the “green built” categories.
Serve as examples to others with innovative education, construction management, and homeowner engagement and warranty attributes.
Realtor Benefits
Support green building and help your bottom line.
A label you can trust to alert your clients to higher quality, better energy and air quality performance, as well as energy and water cost savings.
Check out our Green Real Estate blog articles.
Encouraging climate-conscious building and environmentally friendly construction techniques and products.
Access to checklist and radon testing information of past certified home.
Residential energy use contributes approximately 20% of US annual carbon emissions — energy efficiency measures can reduce this by design AND your client’s can get more money back through energy efficiency tax credits for homeowners.
Embodied carbon account for 11% of US carbon emissions–smart material selection can reduce this by design.
Reduced regional air pollution, erosion, stormwater runoff, and tree canopy loss.
What is a Net Zero Energy Home?

A Net Zero Energy home is capable of producing as much energy on an annual basis as it consumes. This requires a HERS Score of ≤15 (85% more energy efficient than a standard code built home). Design and engineering usually involve energy-efficient technology combined with renewable energy sources.

A Net Zero Ready home is a high-performance home that is so energy efficient that a renewable energy system could offset most or all the home’s annual energy use. This requires a HERS Score of ≤55 (45% more energy efficient than a standard code built home) AND capable of having power generation installed to meet the energy use of the house.
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Why choose Green Built Homes?
There are many green building certification programs to choose from so why should you choose Green Built Homes over other options?
How do other green building programs work with Green Built Homes Certification?
A home that qualifies for other green building programs (like below) will receive credit within our Green Built Homes program too! If you want to learn more about these other programs, check out our Residential Green Certification Program Guide.