Green Building News

Hardwood Harvesters: Local Sawmills Play Integral Role in Tree-Cycle Movement

Green building refers to the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout the building life-cycle. While there are many components of sustainable building,

Hardwood Harvesters: Local Sawmills Play Integral Role in Tree-Cycle Movement Read More

Train Drain: The Role of Higher Education in Developing a Sustainable Workforce

As our workforce faces the challenging mass exodus of baby boomers retiring over the next decade, there exists a unique opportunity to explore solutions that could not only put numerous

Train Drain: The Role of Higher Education in Developing a Sustainable Workforce Read More

Reduce What You Can, Offset the Rest: Six Ways Local Businesses Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

An increasing number of Western North Carolina businesses are doing the right thing for their business and the planet by making moves toward carbon neutrality. As a resource to all

Reduce What You Can, Offset the Rest: Six Ways Local Businesses Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint Read More