Water Efficiency

Population and economic growth, climate change, pollution, and other challenges create pressure on water resources. This has major impacts on our social, economic, and environmental well-being. To build a sustainable future we must build with water sustainability in mind. Below you will find information on technologies and building practices that alleviate some of the burden we place on our water resources. More resources for this category are located on the Green Built Homes Certification Levels page — under Phase 2: Water Efficiency as well as our Water Efficiency Blog category page:

Rainwater Harvesting â€“ Installing a rainwater harvesting system is one way to reduce outdoor water use by collecting water during the rainy season that can be used during droughts.

Save Money and Water! â€“ Improving the efficiency of the ways you use water in your home can save you money, as well as help, protect a valuable natural resource.

Water Heating Energy â€“ Efficient strategies for supplying hot water in the home.

Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond – Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 1 is the core of the complete three-volume guide on how to conceptualize, design, and implement sustainable water-harvesting systems for your home, landscape, and community.

Energy Federation Incorporated – Through the distribution of resource-conserving products and the provision of objective, accurate information, EFI strives to assist people in their efforts to use energy and water efficiently.

NC Division of Water Resources – Under the NC Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, they provide information on water conservation, water resources, permits, policies, and specific information about river basins across the state.

US EPA Water Conservation – The EPA WaterSense provides information about different water reduction strategies.

The City of Asheville – Local Water Resources Department information on water restrictions and conservation.

Harvest H2O Website – HarvestH2O.com is dedicated to the advancement of sustainable water management practices for individuals, families, communities, and businesses.

Xeriscape North Carolina – Xeriscape is a proactive approach to curbing wasteful use of a valuable natural resource.

Water Conservation Throughout the Home – Home Advisor shares tips and tricks for reducing water consumption in the kitchen, bathroom, just for kids, and saving water outside.